Weddings at Central Lutheran

Celebrating A Christian Marriage

God created man and woman, and from the beginning intended that they be joined in marriage in this most sacred union. A Christian marriage represents the union between a man and woman in the sight of God. In Christian marriage, a husband and wife are brought together in a sacred covenant which presupposes fidelity, understanding, commitment and love. Since God created man and woman and designed the marriage relationship, it makes sense that He knows how to build a happy marriage.
We at Central hope you desire God’s best for your marriage and wedding ceremony. We look forward to not only helping you have a beautiful ceremony, but more importantly, helping you lay a foundation for your marriage and new life together. If you have any questions, or wish to schedule a wedding, please contact the Church Office.

“This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh.”
Genesis 2:24
- Weddings are conducted by the Pastor of Central Lutheran Church.
- Weddings are only performed between one man and one woman as outlined in Scripture. Genesis 2:24-25; Matthew 19:4-6
- Wedding and rehearsal dates must be scheduled and confirmed with the Pastor and the wedding coordinator.
- A $250 non-refundable deposit is required to secure the date.
- Before a wedding date can be officially scheduled, an interview by the Pastor is required.
- Attendance at three pre-marriage sessions will be required of the bride and groom with the pastor.
- Rehearsals will begin promptly at the scheduled time and will be conducted by the wedding coordinator and Pastor.
- The entire wedding party, parents, and musicians are expected to attend the rehearsal.
- Ceremony changes will not be permitted after the rehearsal without notifying the wedding coordinator.
- The church will be available for decorating and pictures two hours before the beginning of the ceremony and one hour after the end of the ceremony.
- The marriage license must be given to the wedding coordinator the night of the rehearsal.
- The sanctuary seats 500 people.
- Flowers, aisle runner, pew bows, etc. may be provided by the couple. A Wedding Candle, banner and guest book stand is provided by the church. Two candelabras are also available from the church for a fee.
- A bride’s room is available for the women to dress and prepare for the wedding.
- The men should come already dressed and ready for the service.
- The throwing of rice, birdseed, and/or confetti is not permitted on the church property. Because this is a residential neighborhood, we would appreciate no honking of horns until well away from the property.
- Smoking is not permitted inside the sanctuary or other buildings. The consumption of alcohol on the church premises is strictly prohibited at any time.
- In the event of damage to the church property, the wedding party assumes total financial responsibility.
- All music selected must be cleared with the wedding coordinator. After final approval, if needed, legible copies of ceremony music must be given to the wedding coordinator six (6) weeks prior to the wedding date.
- The organist/pianist is provided by the church.
- “Live” music and accompaniment is expected. Taped music is discouraged but will be considered under limited circumstances.
- If a soloist is chosen, he/she must have had experience in performance and must schedule a date and time with the church organist for one rehearsal session (not to exceed 30 minutes).
- Photographs during the wedding ceremony will be limited to available light (no flash photography). During the ceremony, the photographer must remain in the back of the sanctuary or in the balcony.
- Videotaping is permitted from the back of the sanctuary, the balcony and/or from a fixed, unattended camera in the chancel, using available light.
- Deposit: $250. This non-refundable deposit is required to secure the wedding date.
- Facility: $1000 (which includes the $250 deposit). In the event of damage to the church property, the wedding party assumes total responsibility.
- Pastor: Unspecified honorarium
- Organist: $175 including rehearsal
- Coordinator: $150
- Sound Technician: $100