Giving Opportunities

Central Lutheran Church


Your Gift To Central Lutheran Church

Your gifts allow Central Lutheran Church to continue the great mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus to a broken and needy world. We are affiliated with The Conservative Lutheran Association (CLA). Central Lutheran Church is a 501 3-C Non-profit organization—your donations can be deducted as a charitable contribution. Please see your tax adviser for full details.

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Planned Giving For The Future

Estate • Life Insurance • Corporate Matching

There are other ways to be a blessing.

Many friends who share our vision understand that wise biblical stewardship extends to future generations. Through thoughtful, long-range planning, you can ensure your impact on the disciples of tomorrow while achieving your personal financial goals today. To learn more on ways you can give, click the button below.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

– 2 Corinthians 9:7